Do you have birds you wish to show? From canaries and finches to doves and budgies, we welcome both member and non-member cage bird entries, with many different breeds!
Enter Your Birds
Who can show birds?
Whether you're an experienced breeder and member of NACBA or an enthusiastic newcomer, a senior or junior, anyone can enter their birds!
What can be shown?
NACBA accepts a variety of cage birds including canaries, finches, doves, budgerigars, and hookbills. Even your pet bird can be entered to win! Contact us for more information.
What are the fees?
11 to 20 birds
Up to 10 birds
20+ birds
$20 for all
Before you enter...
We ask that you please bear in mind that NACBA has a set of Standards of Care, which are designed to help keep our feathered companions safe and healthy. You will be required to sign our Standards of Care Agreement and submit it along with your entry form.
Entry Form
To enter your birds, you will want to fill out our entry form prior to entering the hall. We recommend filling this form out the morning before you bring in your birds.
Standards Of Care
Anyone showing or selling birds are expected to follow NACBA's Standards of Care.
You MAY NOT bring in, sell, or show birds that are showing signs of illness, injury, or other forms of extreme duress.
Birds will be checked for health and safety prior to entering the main venue as well as during the event on a regular basis.